Coffee And Tea: Great For Your Garden!

Do you enjoy starting your day with a cup of coffee or tea? Good news—your garden might love it just as much as you do! That's right—your plants can benefit from your favorite brews too.

I'll give you a quick glimpse into how your morning cup of coffee or tea can also help your garden flourish!

Nutrients: Coffee grounds add nitrogen, and tea leaves add potassium and phosphorus, which are all good for plants.

Soil Quality: Mixing these grounds into your soil helps it hold water better and stay loose.

Pest Control: The strong smells of coffee and tea help keep pests like ants and slugs away.

How to Use Coffee Grounds in Your Garden!

Direct Application: Simply scatter the grounds around the soil base of your plants. This works great for acid-loving plants like blueberries, Strawberries, Rhubarb!

Compost It: Mix coffee/Tea grounds into your compost heap to boost nutrient content.

Liquid Fertilizer: Steep grounds in water for a few days and use the liquid to water plants.

Dilute leftover brewed coffee with water (a good ratio is 1 part coffee to 2 parts water) and use it to water acid-loving plants.


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